Governor General's Award for French to English translation
This is a list of recipients of the Governor General's Award for French-to-English translation.
Winners and nominees
[edit]Year[1] | Author | Title | Translated work |
1987 | Patricia Claxton | Enchantment and Sorrow: The Autobiography of Gabrielle Roy | Gabrielle Roy, La Détresse et l'enchantement |
Sheila Fischman | Heartbreaks Along the Road | Roch Carrier, De l'amour dans la ferraille | |
Anthony Martin-Sperry | Languages and Their Territories | J. A. Laponce, Langue et territoire | |
Patricia Sillers | The Dragon and Other Laurentian Tales | Claude Jasmin, Les contes du Sommet-Bleu | |
1988 | Philip Stratford | Second Chance | Diane Hébert, Un Second souffle |
Arnold Bennett | The History of the Labour Movement in Quebec | Michel Doré, Louise Fournier, [title unknown] | |
Jane Brierley | A Man of Sentiment: The Memoirs of Philippe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé | Philippe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé, Mémoires | |
David Homel | How to Make Love to a Negro | Dany Laferrière, Comment faire l'amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer | |
1989 | Wayne Grady | On the Eighth Day | Antonine Maillet, Le Huitième jour |
Arlette Francière | Kaleidoscope | Michel Beaulieu, Kaléidoscope, ou les aléas du corps grave | |
Donald Winkler | Rose and Thorn | Roland Giguère, selected poetry |
[edit]Year[1] | Author | Title | Translated work |
1990 | Jane Brierley | Yellow-Wolf and Other Tales of the Saint Lawrence | Philippe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé, Divers |
Patricia Claxton | Letters to Bernadette | Gabrielle Roy, Ma chère petite sœur : Lettres à Bernadette 1943–1970 | |
Sheila Fischman | Benito | François Gravel, Benito | |
Anthony Martin-Sperry | Charlevoix: Two Centuries at Murray Bay | Philippe Dubé, Deux cents ans villégiature dans Charlevoix | |
Susan Usher | Community Care and Participatory Research | Jacques Alary, Solidarités: Pratiques de recherche-action et de prise en charge par le milieu | |
1991 | Albert W. Halsall | A Dictionary of Literary Devices: Gradus, A-Z | Bernard Dupriez, Gradus : Les procédés littéraires |
Linda Gaboriau | Lilies, or the Revival of a Romantic Drama | Michel Marc Bouchard, Les feluettes | |
Peter Keating | Physics and the Rise of Scientific Research in Canada | Yves Gingras, Les origines de la recherche scientifique au Canada : le cas des physiciens | |
Patricia Smart, Dorothy Howard | The Diary of André Laurendeau | André Laurendeau, Journal tenu pendant la Commission royale d’enquête sur le bilinguisme et le biculturalisme | |
1992 | Fred A. Reed | Imagining the Middle East | Thierry Hentsch, L'Orient imaginaire |
Neil B. Bishop | Death of the Spider | Michèle Mailhot, La mort de l'araignée | |
Sheila Fischman | Felicity's Fool | François Gravel, Bonheur fou | |
Luise von Flotow | Deathly Delights | Anne Dandurand, L'Assassin de l'intérieur / Diables d'espoir | |
Agnes Whitfield | Divine Diva | Daniel Gagnon, Venite a cantare | |
1993 | D. G. Jones | Categorics One, Two and Three | Normand de Bellefeuille, Catégoriques un deux et trois |
Jane Brierley | The Maerlande Chronicles | Elisabeth Vonarburg, Les chroniques du pays des Mères | |
Sheila Fischman | Following the Summer | Lise Bissonnette, Marie suivait l'été | |
Linda Gaboriau | The Eye Is an Eagle | Pierre Morency, L'Œil américain | |
Käthe Roth | The Last Cod Fish | Pol Chantraine, La Dernière queue de morue | |
1994 | Donald Winkler | The Lyric Generation: The Life and Times of the Baby Boomers | François Ricard, La Génération lyrique |
Patricia Claxton | Tchipayuk or The Way of the Wolf | Ronald Lavallée, Tchipayuk | |
Sheila Fischman | The Sound of Living Things | Élise Turcotte, Le bruit des choses vivantes | |
David Homel | An Aroma of Coffee | Dany Laferrière, L'odeur du café | |
Shelley Tepperman | Playing Bare | Dominic Champagne, La Répétition | |
1995 | David Homel | Why Must a Black Writer Write About Sex? | Dany Laferrière, Cette grenade dans la main du jeune nègre est-elle une arme ou un fruit? |
Paul Leduc Browne, Dream Michelle Weinroth | Trudeau and the End of a Canadian Dream | Guy Laforest, Trudeau et la fin du rêve canadien | |
Sheila Fischman | No Song, But Silence | Hélène Le Beau, La Chute du corps | |
Wayne Grady | Black Squirrel | Daniel Poliquin, L'écureuil noir | |
Susan Ouriou | The Road to Chlifa | Michèle Marineau, La Route de Chlifa | |
1996 | Linda Gaboriau | Stone and Ashes | Daniel Danis, Cendres de cailloux |
Sheila Fischman | Ostend | François Gravel, Ostende | |
D. G. Jones | For Orchestra and Solo Poet | Émile Martel, Pour orchestre et poète seul | |
Shelley Tepperman | In Vitro | Yvan Bienvenue, In vitro | |
1997 | Howard Scott | The Euguelion | Louky Bersianik, L'Euguélionne |
Jane Brierley | Canadians of Old | Philippe-Joseph Aubert de Gaspé, Les Anciens canadiens | |
Patricia Claxton | Baroque at Dawn | Nicole Brossard, Baroque d'aube | |
David Homel | A Drifting Year | Dany Laferrière, Chronique de la dérive douce | |
Nancy Huston | The Goldberg Variations | Nancy Huston, Les variations Goldberg | |
1998 | Sheila Fischman | Bambi and Me | Michel Tremblay, Les vues animés |
Arnold Bennett | Voltaire's Man in America | Jean-Paul de Lagrave, L'Époque de Voltaire au Canada | |
David Homel | The Second Fiddle | Yves Beauchemin, Le Second violon | |
Daniel Sloate | Aknos and Other Poems | Fulvio Caccia, selected poetry | |
1999 | Patricia Claxton | Gabrielle Roy: A Life | François Ricard, Gabrielle roy, une vie |
David Homel | Olivo Oliva | Philippe Poloni, Olivo, Oliva | |
Nancy Huston | The Mark of the Angel | Nancy Huston, L'Empreinte de l'ange | |
Lazer Lederhendler | The Sparrow Has Cut the Day in Half | Claire Dé, Bonheur, Oiseau rare | |
Donald Winkler | The World of the Gift | Jacques Godbout, Alain Caillé, L'Esprit du don |
[edit]Year[1] | Author | Title | Translated work |
2000 | Robert Majzels | Just Fine | France Daigle, Pas pire |
Sheila Fischman | Terra Firma | Christiane Frenette, La Terre ferme | |
Linda Gaboriau | Down Dangerous Passes Road | Michel Marc Bouchard, Le chemin des Passes-dangereuses | |
Bobby Theodore | 15 Seconds | François Archambault, 15 secondes | |
2001 | Fred A. Reed, David Homel | Fairy Ring | Martine Desjardins, Le Cercle de Clara |
Sheila Fischman | The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches | Gaétan Soucy, La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes | |
Gail Scott | The Sailor's Disquiet | Michael Delisle, Le Désarroi du matelot | |
2002 | Nigel Spencer | Thunder and Light | Marie-Claire Blais, Dans la foudre et la lumière |
Sheila Fischman | Twelve Opening Acts | Michel Tremblay, Douze coups de théâtre | |
Linda Gaboriau | Impromptu on Nun's Island | Michel Tremblay, L'État des lieux | |
Liedewy Hawke | The Milky Way | Louise Dupré, La Voie lactée | |
Lazer Lederhendler | Larry Volt | Pierre Tourangeau, Larry Volt | |
2003 | Jane Brierley | Memoirs of a Less Travelled Road: A Historian’s Life | Marcel Trudel, Mémoire d'un autre siècle |
Patricia Claxton | A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali | Gil Courtemanche, Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali | |
Jo-Anne Elder | Tales from Dog Island: St. Pierre et Miquelon | Françoise Enguehard, L’Île aux Chiens | |
David Homel, Fred A. Reed | The Heart Is an Involuntary Muscle | Monique Proulx, Le Cœur est un muscle involontaire | |
Susan Ouriou | Necessary Betrayals | Guillaume Vigneault, Chercher le vent | |
2004 | Judith Cowan | Mirabel | Pierre Nepveu, Lignes aériennes |
Sheila Fischman | The Alien House | Élise Turcotte, La maison étrangère | |
Liedewy Hawke | The Iguana | Denis Thériault, L'Iguane | |
2005 | Fred A. Reed | Truth or Death: The Quest for Immortality in the Western Narrative Tradition | Thierry Hentsch, Raconter et mourir : aux sources narratives de l’imaginaire occidental |
Jane Brierley | America: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Dawn of a New Power | Denis Vaugeois, America, 1803–1853 : l’expédition de Lewis & Clark et la naissance d’une nouvelle puissance | |
Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood | Yesterday, at the Hotel Clarendon | Nicole Brossard, Hier | |
Wayne Grady | Return from Africa | Francine D'Amour, Le Retour d’Afrique | |
Fred A. Reed, David Homel | All that Glitters | Martine Desjardins, L'Élu du hasard | |
2006 | Hugh Hazelton | Vetiver | Joël Des Rosiers, Vétiver |
Sheila Fischman | The Bicycle Eater | Larry Tremblay, Le Mangeur de bicyclette | |
Linda Gaboriau | Assorted Candies | Michel Tremblay, Bonbons assortis | |
Lazer Lederhendler | The Immaculate Conception | Gaetan Soucy, L’Immaculée Conception | |
Fred A. Reed | A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism | Yakov M. Rabkin, Au nom de la Torah : une histoire de l’opposition juive au sionisme | |
2007 | Nigel Spencer | Augustino and the Choir of Destruction | Marie-Claire Blais, Augustino et le chœur de la déstruction |
Sheila Fischman | My Sister's Blue Eyes | Jacques Poulin, Les Yeux bleus de Mistassini | |
Robert Majzels, Erín Moure | Notebook of Roses and Civilization | Nicole Brossard, Cahier de roses et de civilisation | |
Rhonda Mullins | The Decline of the Hollywood Empire | Hervé Fischer, Le déclin de l’empire hollywoodien | |
John Murrell | Two Plays: John and Beatrice; Helen's Necklace | Carole Fréchette, Jean et Béatrice and Le collier d’Hélène | |
2008 | Lazer Lederhendler | Nikolski | Nicolas Dickner, Nikolski |
Paul Leduc Browne, Michelle Weinroth | The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World | Gérard Bouchard, Genèse des nations et cultures du Nouveau Monde | |
Jo-Anne Elder | Beatitudes | Herménégilde Chiasson, Béatitudes | |
Liedewy Hawke | The Postman's Round | Denis Thériault, Le facteur émotif | |
Fred A. Reed | Orfeo | Hans-Jürgen Greif, Orfeo | |
2009 | Susan Ouriou | Pieces of Me | Charlotte Gingras, La liberté? Connais pasa |
Phyllis Aronoff, Howard Scott | A Slight Case of Fatigue | Stéphane Bourguignon, Un peu de fatigue | |
Jo-Anne Elder | One | Serge Patrice Thibodeau, Seul on est | |
David Homel, Fred A. Reed | Wildlives | Monique Proulx, Champagne | |
Fred A. Reed | Empire of Desire: The Abolition of Time | Thierry Hentsch, Le temps aboli: l'Occident et ses grands recits |
[edit]Year[1] | Author | Title | Translated work |
2010 | Linda Gaboriau | Forests | Wajdi Mouawad, Forêts |
Sheila Fischman | The Blue Notebook | Michel Tremblay, Le Cahier bleu | |
Sheila Fischman | On the Proper Use of Stars | Dominique Fortier, Du bon usage des étoiles | |
Liedewy Hawke | High-Wire Summer | Louise Dupré, L'été funambule | |
Lazer Lederhendler | The Breakwater House | Pascale Quiviger, La maison des temps rompus | |
2011 | Donald Winkler | Partita for Glenn Gould | Georges Leroux, Partita pour Glenn Gould |
Judith Cowan | Meridian Line | Paul Bélanger, Origine des méridiens | |
David Scott Hamilton | Exit | Nelly Arcan, Paradis, clef en main | |
Lazer Lederhendler | Apocalypse for Beginners | Nicolas Dickner, Tarmac | |
Lazer Lederhendler | Dirty Feet | Edem Awumey, Les pieds sales | |
2012 | Nigel Spencer | Mai at the Predators’ Ball | Marie-Claire Blais, Mai au bal des prédateurs |
Sheila Fischman | Ru | Kim Thúy, Ru | |
Michael Gilson | Mafia Inc.: The Long, Bloody Reign of Canada’s Sicilian Clan | André Cédilot, André Noël, Mafia Inc. : Grandeur et misère du clan sicilien au Québec | |
John Murrell | The Small Room at the Top of the Stairs and Thinking of Yu | Carole Fréchette, La Petite pièce en haut de l’escalier and Je pense à Yu | |
Shelley Tepperman | The List | Jennifer Tremblay, La liste | |
2013[2] | Donald Winkler | The Major Verbs | Pierre Nepveu, Les verbes majeurs |
Robert Majzels | For Sure | France Daigle, Pour sûr | |
Rhonda Mullins | And the Birds Rained Down | Jocelyne Saucier, Il pleuvait des oiseaux | |
George Tombs | Canada's Forgotten Slaves: Two Hundred Years of Bondage | Marcel Trudel, Deux siècles d’esclavage au Québec | |
Luise von Flotow | The Stalinist's Wife | France Théoret, La femme du stalinien | |
2014[3] | Peter Feldstein | Paul-Émile Borduas: A Critical Biography | François-Marc Gagnon, Paul-Émile Borduas (1905–1960) : biographie critique et analyse de l'œuvre |
Sheila Fischman | Wonder | Dominique Fortier, Les larmes de saint Laurent | |
Linda Gaboriau | Christina, The Girl King | Michel Marc Bouchard, Christine, la reine-garçon | |
Maureen Labonté | And Slowly Beauty | Michel Nadeau, Lentement la beauté | |
Rhonda Mullins | Guyana | Élise Turcotte, Guyana | |
2015 | Rhonda Mullins | Twenty-One Cardinals | Jocelyne Saucier, Les Héritiers de la mine |
David Scott Hamilton | Captive | Claudine Dumont, Anabiose | |
Lazer Lederhendler | The Lake | Perrine Leblanc, Malabourg | |
Susan Ouriou, Christelle Morelli | Stolen Sisters: The Story of Two Missing Girls, Their Families and How Canada Has Failed Indigenous Women | Emmanuelle Walter, Sœurs volées: Enquête sur un féminicide au Canada | |
Donald Winkler | Arvida | Samuel Archibald, Arvida | |
2016 | Lazer Lederhendler | The Party Wall | Catherine Leroux, Le mur mitoyen |
Rhonda Mullins | Guano | Louis Carmain, Guano | |
Neil Smith | The Goddess of Fireflies | Geneviève Pettersen, La déesse des mouches à feu | |
2017 | Oana Avasilichioaei | Readopolis | Bertrand Laverdure, Lectodôme |
Katia Grubisic | Brothers | David Clerson, Frères | |
Howard Scott | Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries | Gérard Bouchard, Raison et déraison du mythe | |
Pablo Strauss | The Longest Year | Daniel Grenier, L'année la plus longue | |
W. Donald Wilson | In Search of New Babylon | Dominique Scali, À la recherche de New Babylon | |
2018 | Phyllis Aronoff, Howard Scott | Descent Into Night | Edem Awumey, Explication de la nuit |
Vivian Felsen | Jacob Isaac Segal: A Montreal Yiddish Poet and His Milieu | Pierre Anctil, Jacob-Isaac Segal (1896–1954) : un poète yiddish de Montréal et son milieu | |
Aleshia Jensen | Explosions: Michael Bay and the Pyrotechnics of the Imagination | Mathieu Poulin, Des explosions | |
Peter McCambridge | Songs for the Cold of Heart | Éric Dupont, La fiancée américaine | |
Rhonda Mullins | Little Beast | Julie Demers, Barbe | |
2019 | Linda Gaboriau | Birds of a Kind | Wajdi Mouawad, Tous des oiseaux |
Louisa Blair | 887 | Robert Lepage, 887 | |
Sheila Fischman | Vi | Kim Thúy, Vi | |
Rhonda Mullins | The Embalmer | Anne-Renée Caillé, L'embaumeur | |
Pablo Strauss | Synapses | Simon Brousseau, Synapses |
[edit]Year | Author | Title | Translated work | Ref |
2020 | Lazer Lederhendler | If You Hear Me | Pascale Quiviger, Si tu m'entends | [4] |
Oana Avasilichioaei | The Neptune Room | Bertrand Laverdure, La chambre neptune | [5] | |
Alexis Diamond | Amaryllis & Little Witch | Pascal Brullemans, Vipérine and Petit sorcière | ||
Pablo Strauss | The Country Will Bring Us No Peace | Matthieu Simard, Ici, ailleurs | ||
J. C. Sutcliffe | Back Roads | Andrée A. Michaud, Routes secondaires | ||
2021 | Erín Moure | This Radiant Life | Chantal Neveu, La vie radieuse | [6] |
Helge Dascher, Rob Aspinall | Paul at Home | Michel Rabagliati, Paul à la maison | [7] | |
Peter Feldstein | People, State, and War Under the French Regime in Canada | Louise Dechêne, Le Peuple, lʼÉtat et la Guerre au Canada sous le Régime français | ||
Katia Grubisic | A Cemetery for Bees | Alina Dumitrescu, Le cimetière des abeilles | ||
Susan Ouriou | The Lover, the Lake | Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau, L'amant du lac | ||
2022 | Judith Weisz Woodsworth | History of the Jews in Quebec | Pierre Anctil, Histoire des juifs au Québec | [8] |
Aleshia Jensen | Remnants | Céline Huyghebaert, Le drap blanc | [9] | |
Aleshia Jensen, Bronwyn Haslam | This Is How I Disappear | Mirion Malle, Cʼest comme ça que je disparais | ||
Susan Ouriou | White Resin | Audrée Wilhelmy, Blanc Résine | ||
Ben Vrignon | They Called Us Savages: A Hereditary Chiefʼs Quest for Truth and Harmony | Dominique Rankin, Marie-Josée Tardif, On nous appelait les Sauvages : souvenirs et espoirs dʼun chef héréditaire algonquin | ||
2023 | Peter McCambridge | Rosa's Very Own Personal Revolution | Éric Dupont, La Logeuse | [10] |
Arielle Aaronson | Alone: The Journeys of Three Young Refugees | Paul Tom, Seuls | [11] | |
D. M. Bradford | House Within a House | Nicholas Dawson, Désormais, ma demeure | ||
Émilie Monnet | Okinum | Émilie Monnet, Okinum | ||
Susan Ouriou | Kukum | Michel Jean, Kukum | ||
2024 | Katia Grubisic | Nights Too Short to Dance | Marie-Claire Blais, Un cœur habité de mille voix | [12] |
Melissa Bull | Morel | Maxime Raymond Bock, Morel | [13] | |
Aleshia Jensen | So Long Sad Love | Mirion Malle, Adieu triste amour | ||
Lazer Lederhendler | The Hollow Beast | Christophe Bernard, La bête creuse | ||
Aimee Wall | Sadie X | Clara Dupuis-Morency, Sadie X |
[edit]- ^ a b c d "Past GGBooks winners and finalists". Governor General's Literary Awards. Retrieved 2021-11-27.
- ^ "Governor General Literary Award finalists announced". Vancouver Sun, October 2, 2013.
- ^ "Thomas King wins Governor General’s award for fiction". The Globe and Mail, November 18, 2014.
- ^ "Michelle Good says celebrating fiction win feels 'petty and selfish' after residential school discovery". CTV News, June 1, 2021.
- ^ "Francesca Ekwuyasi, Billy-Ray Belcourt & Anne Carson among 2020 Governor General's Literary Awards finalists". CBC Books, May 4, 2021.
- ^ "Inuk author Norma Dunning wins $25K Governor General's fiction prize" Archived 2021-11-17 at the Wayback Machine. Coast Reporter, November 17, 2021.
- ^ "Ivan Coyote, David A. Robertson & Julie Flett among finalists for $25K Governor General's Literary Awards". CBC Books, October 14, 2021.
- ^ Deborah Dundas, "Sheila Heti, Eli Baxter win 2022 Governor General’s Literary Awards for fiction and non-fiction". Toronto Star, November 16, 2022.
- ^ "The finalists for the 2022 Governor General's Literary Award for translation". CBC Books, October 12, 2022.
- ^ "Anuja Varghese wins Governor General's literary award for fiction". Toronto Star, November 8, 2023.
- ^ "Suzette Mayr, Iain Reid among finalists for $25K Governor General's Literary Awards". CBC Books, October 25, 2023.
- ^ Cassandra Drudi, "Jordan Abel, Niigaan Sinclair among 2024 Governor General’s award winners". Quill & Quire, November 13, 2024.
- ^ Cassandra Drudi, "Canisia Lubrin, Danny Ramadan among 2024 Governor General’s Literary Award finalists". Quill & Quire, October 8, 2024.